Energy 2 Engage Resources

5 Bad Excuses for Not Implementing a Sales Incentive Program

Written by Energy 2 Engage | Sep 17, 2018 5:07:52 PM

Your sales teams is lacking in productivity and they continue to bring in low sales numbers. You talk about implementing a sales incentive plan, look into a few programs, have some “boost morale” meetings and think “hey that will do the trick.”

Sorry to burst your bubble, but when it comes to performance, motivation and engagement, it takes strong communication and a well-developed plan.

1. I’d rather just give my team cash.

While cash is perceived as great motivators, cash may not be the best option for your employees for several key reasons. We strongly believe that lasting memories, building bonds within your company, and understanding what your employees value are the motivators that will produce behavioral changes.

Why it's a Bad Excuse:
  • Cash is easily forgotten
  • Often spent on paying bills, buying groceries or mundane tasks
  • Little long-term memory or value of reward
  • No tie back to or relationship-building with company

2. Programs cost too much.

While we can’t speak to other programs costs and structures, we can assure you that E2’s method of pricing a program will be both well designed and beneficial to you - we believe in a pay-for-results model. We work to align your goals, develop custom communication and reward your employees with what they want, all while keeping ROI and your bottom-line in mind.

Why it's a Bad Excuse:
  • Pricing is transparent 
  • ROI is guaranteed (rewards are only paid when a goal is met or transaction occurs)
  • Often based off the scope of the program and the goals you wish to achieve
  • Money put into sales incentive programs often reflect boosts in bottom line benefits

3. It’s too complicated & I don’t have time to run a program.

Handling it in-house may be complecated and time intensive.  Hiring a vendor, like E2, means we will do the heavy lifting to develop goals, set-up the right type of program, create custom communication plans and reward your employees, sales teams, or channel partners. All of this comes with great ease knowing that your team will be rewarded, energized and engaged to hit their goals, with a click of a button.

Why it's a Bad Excuse:
  • Our sales incentive programs are based online with easy-to-use technology platforms
  • Programs are designed, created and implemented by performance improvement company
  • Custom communication is provided to aid program participation 
  • Rewards are easily distributed and redeemed

4. Rewarding people for showing up is not beneficial, nor does it boost creativity & innovation.

A comprehensive and effective Sales Incentive Program goes far above and beyond just awarding members of your team when they show up. It’s best to set your goals for your program, what you want to achieve within your company, and then base your program off of those stated goals. This will ensure success and foster a transparent company culture.

Why it's a Bad Excuse:
  • Sales incentive programs can reward every facet of your business
  • Creativity and innovation are two of the many benefits received 
  • Happier and motivated employees produces better customer experiences

5. My competitors don't reward their employees.

While this may be true, you can stand out within your industry to retain top performing employees.  With a program, you are able to track results, give your employees flexibility and freedom of choice when choosing rewards, and provide education, produce targeting, custom communication strategies and much more. With a comprehensive plan, bottom-line revenue boosts and productivity is enhanced.

Why it's a Bad Excuse:
  • "Companies with engaged employees outperform those without by up to 202%"- Gallup

Start With E2


Energy 2 Engage provides full-service improvement that allows for an efficient, cost-effective, ease of use, beneficial program for you. Custom-designed to best fit your needs, will help your team flourish and grow towards positive results.

Don’t continue to push off a sales incentive plan or think that a recognition here or there will get the job done. Start a sales incentive program that will immensely impact your business in a positive way.